• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • This is seriously not me being a jerk. I have been following this project for years. At this point can you actually just buy a phone from them or do you buy one and get stuck on some wait list for an unknown period of time? From the video shared a few things are sort of shocking out of the box for a consumer release. first of all no account creation on login or at a minimum a prompt to change your password on login seems not great. Sure you can just change your password but having 1-6 be the default password that doesn’t get updated on login is so easy to fix I am surprised it’s still like this. Next that keyboard is definitely overly cramped and seems very difficult to use. To me that is a bit of a deal breaker for a phone now a days because typing is so essential. 1300 for a phone that is essentially beta and a project phone still seems unobtainable for most people. Again I don’t want to hate on this as I really want it to work but there is so much working against it at the moment in my estimation.

  • every website logs ip. The question is whether the admin maintains those logs. However a web server needs your IP so they can route traffic back to you. That IP gets logged so that if something is not working the admin can review the logs and figure out what is going on. Many websites that are privacy focused either turn the logging off or dump the logs fairly quickly. Doing something like that means the admin needs to take steps to create other avenues for troubleshooting that don’t factor user data into the scenario. With smaller projects like instances hosted on lemmy that might not always be feasible for volunteer admins. This doesn’t necessarily mean they are doing anything wrong. Lots of websites maintain logs that include IP addresses.