• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I am using appsmith for the app, with a pgsql db. Then n8n to query pgsql with its JSON functions and finally sending it to apitemplate.io to generate a PDF from the JSON and a template. The PDF then goes into nextcloud. With apitemplate you get 50 executions a month for free, which is enough for my use case. Hope this helps. (The use case is an equipment maintenance tool for the SCBAs of our fire brigade, where I need reporting for proving that maintenance was carried out)

  • Years ago I consulted for a French company and analyzed their processes. Heavily depended on Excel. They all pronounced Excel Sheet as “Excel Shit”. All day long it was sentences like"…and then I make an Excel Shit here", “… then I give the Shit to my colleague”. It was glorious… (and technically they were right).

  • Sorry for the delayed answer, I was on vacation with little digital exposure. It is difficult to tell how long it took and what you all count towards the effort, but for me certainly more than 20-40 hours. Just tuning the old printer and printing all the pieces to spec took several hours. Then researching the options, learning and understanding how to build and how it works. Also quite a bit of work was to research and source all the pieces of the BOM (I am in Europe, so I had to order from at least 5-6 different shops.) This all before you even start to build… Then the build itself and troubleshooting any issues that come up. Big shout-out to an amazing community here that helped me out once or twice very quickly and patiently.

    Not to discourage you or anybody else, I enjoyed doing all of it, not only the build. It is also very rewarding doing everything yourself and in turn intimately knowing your machine.

    And then the whole upgrading comes into play and it starts over again in smaller doses ;-)

    I would wholeheartedly recommend to give it a try, just don’t underestimate the commitment!