• 5 Posts
Joined 30 days ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2024


  • I’m not sure if you’re getting it, so I’ll explain just in case.

    In computer science a few conventions have emerged on how numbers should be interpreted, depending on how they start:

    • decimal (the usual system with digits from 0 to 9): no prefix
    • binary (digits 0 and 1): prefix 0b, so 0b1001110
    • octal (digits 0 through 7): prefix 0, so 0116
    • hexadecimal (digits 0 through 9 and then A through E): prefix 0x, so 0x8E

    If your zip code starts with 9, it won’t be interpreted as octal. You’re fine.

  • Frankly that there isn’t a specific field signalling authorized/not-authorized

    The instance I was bitching about was this: There’s a lot of region-specific data coming from the backend. But the user is only authorized for certain regions. So for instance the North-American guy gets this object: { "CA": [/* list of stuff */], "US": [/* list of stuff */], "MX": [ /* list of stuff */ ]}, while the US-only guy only gets {"US": [ /* list of stuff */] }. Are you suggesting that the response should also include flags isCaPresent, isUsPresent, isMxPresent for every country?

    The issue with null vs not present surfaced because I, the frontend, checked if the returned object contained the key "CA" and then tried to iterate over the list of stuff, which happened to be null, which is hard to iterate over. I agree that I could’ve checked if the key was present and not null.

    The meme, however, was lamenting that the backend developer, refuses to acknowledge that these two JSONs are different,since they only see their POJOs, where both map to CA: null, US: [], MX: null.

  • So it sounds like an issue with […] handling per-spec the presence of data which you don’t use.

    The trouble is, in this specific use case, the data may either be there or it may not be, depending on authorization. I’m checking specifically if the key is present to determine whether the user has access to that data (and display a toggle for that data), or if the user mustn’t see it and thus doesn’t need the toggle.

    The wrong assumption was that if the key is there, then the value is not null. That assumption was invalidated by an update on the server side. Of course I could’ve checked if the value of the key is nullish. But it’s still annoying to have a breaking frontend because the backend changed how it serves its data.