• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • It’s hard to not be annoyed and vaguely escalatory when thirty people all ask you the same thing in thirty different ways

    That’s going to happen though. Most people are going to comment before reading through the comments. If they read through them at all. As I said to the other admin, if it’s not possible to not be hostile in their response maybe it’s time to stop responding for a while.

    This is a space for open dialogue and I’m sorry if you felt alienated in any way 💜

    And yes I did. Even more so after the second response that still had more attitude towards me without a hint of an apology. It’s hard to feel this is an open dialogue space when other admins aren’t willing to stop themselves or apologize when they are doing one of the main things this instance is trying to not have happen.

  • i’ll be completely honest: i don’t know where some of you are earning the confidence to speak more on what this instance do in the future than us, the actual admins who decide what will be done in the future.

    I’m not speaking on what the instance is going to do. I gave my opinion on where I could see it going based on this action. That’s why I said this is a slippery slope. The more instances that get blocked will cause people to sign up on other ones thus causing the same issue to happen but from a different instance. The only reasonable decision at that point would be to defederate from everything.

    Again this is just my opinion and thoughts on the matter. The defensive and slightly hostile tone back reminding me I’m not an admin and therefore shouldn’t speak about what I thought might happen wasn’t really appreciated. This is supposed to be a place about open dialogue correct?

  • I fully appreciate what you’re saying. I will say this though, it’s hard to want to have civil discourse with people who support politicians who actively are trying to strip my rights away and think I shouldn’t exist. I know they themselves might not agree with that aspect of the politician but by continuing to vote for that person they are condoning what the politician is doing.

  • Just play it as is first time through. I wish I could go back and replay it for the first time again. I’ve dumped so many hours into this game. My biggest suggestions are just run around and have fun. Talk to everyone, explore everywhere. Don’t fast travel! Travel by foot everywhere, the things you’ll run into and random people you’ll meet are part of what makes the game so rich. Save often. You never know when you might have to go back and reload your game in the case of a needed NPC getting killed. Enjoy yourself!

  • I understand what you are saying but it’s is inescapable I feel if we want to continue to use these personal assistant devices. Hey Google and Siri are the same. They all have to be constantly listening in order to be able to pickup when we are talking to them. The level of interconnectability we want as a society and personal recommendations when using those systems inherently come with a need to be tracked both physically and on the internet. Just by agreeing to use an app like find my phone you agree to be tracked by having location services turned on. We all signed away our privacy a long time ago willingly