The original post that they took a screenshot of was posted on 22.2.22, that’s fun!
The original post that they took a screenshot of was posted on 22.2.22, that’s fun!
If we did a straight shot from here it would be around 2.7 days. Weather is looking better to do a couple of hops down the coast though and then cross to the Bahamas so hopefully by the end of the week.
Thanks! It’s going great. It’s definitely a big change but we are loving it. Currently in Charleston and we anchored right beside a huge warship (the Yorktown) when we first got here. It’s getting too cold here so we need to head to warmer climates.
My parents flew in to visit and help us sail to the Bahamas today. They are used to sailing on lake Taupo so this will be a bit different for them, hopefully in a good way. We’ve been living on the boat and sailing around the US east coast for a few months now. It was nice to finally show them our new home!
An Amel Super Maramu 53ft ketch
We got underway and did a 3 night passage to head up to the Annapolis boat show. Weather made us tuck in before cape Hatteras though so we have been exploring North Carolina. I guess Blackbeard’s ship wrecked at the inlet here so they are still pulling up artefacts from it and you can see them at the local museum. Pretty cool. Back to sea tomorrow!
Yes indeed! That has also made it a bit of a process…My other half is American but I am Kiwi so registering the boat was a bit of a challenge! All done now and we have official closed on the boat. First night aboard tonight!
Trying to buy this boat has been a mission! The weather system that pushed back our haul out pushed it back by over a month. We finally got it done though and got the survey report last week. We have accepted the boat and probably close this week, all going well. Can’t wait to start moving on board!
I sent this to my doctor friend and she thought it was really cool too. She said she used to practice on pigs. Kombucha scoby is a way better option!
Wow that is so interesting!
I would call it crunchy vs crispy.
Yes this is one of the recipes I tried. Perhaps I need to make some adjustments and try again.
Interesting. Hadn’t thought of simple syrup. I love ordering crispy cauliflower bites when I am out and now that I’m thinking about it they do tend to often have a glaze.
Thanks, yeah I think maybe this is what I’m missing.
Do you have a good batter recipe for cauliflower? The one I tried didn’t work out too well.
I do not own an air fryer but I’m starting to think I may need to invest in one.
Survey on the boat is supposed to be this week but there is a weather system developing off the coast and it’s bringing high winds and rough seas. Not very conducive to a haul out and sea trial so we may have to delay it to the following week, which will push back everything else with the purchase and getting on board. Ah well, they say you shouldn’t sail to a schedule, I guess you shouldn’t try buying a sailboat to a schedule either!
Thanks! Depends significantly on the lake (size, surrounding terrain etc). Taupo can be pretty unpredictable. You’ll have no wind at all and then all of a sudden be on your side. Beautiful though and great swimming. Highly recommend!
P.S. I have also sailed very different boats in lakes vs. sea so that’s another factor to counter in.
I recommend looking into raw denim communities if there are any on lemmy. Japanese denim might give you what you are looking for. I have a pair of Edwin 503s that sound a lot like what you are asking about.