Cats, kids, nurse

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • tinawebmom @lemmy.worldtoAntiwork/Work Reform@lemmy.fmhy.mlimmigrants
    1 year ago

    Have a GOP family member.

    I said, “immigrants pick our food. Do you want that job?”

    His response? (55 year old fat man) “I picked fruit when I was in my 20s!”

    I said two things, 1 then go pick fruit now! 2 ever drive by the fields (very rural area)

    His response? 1 nah I’m too fat and lazy 2 well yeah but only because they won’t hire whites 🤣🤣🤣

    Trumps significant decrease in work visas (California) did indeed have non immigrants step in… And quit within a few weeks. The jobs are too hard, demanding and difficult.

    Our economy functions and always will function simply because we do need immigrants.

    PS he’s gotten so much better at not being a GOP these last 3 years!

  • Segue into haircut.

    I went and got a spiral perm thinking it would be the perfect curly I’ve been looking for… It wasn’t. My hair was over processed. I knew how to deal with that from my kids bleaching their hair. I dealt with it for almost two years.

    I went to a beautician and told her to cut the perm out. I was over it and the damage.

    I left work with hair that when straightened went to the middle of my back. I returned the next day with hair just below my earlobe.

    Turns out that my hair follicles had changed and now… Well I will never need another perm the rest of my life.

    Hair grows and changes. She has the chance to rock a Mohawk (if this is no longer what is called I apologize). Or dye it the rainbow! It’s short so it’ll grow out quickly!!

    Now if the time to have some fun!