Atari 2600 programmer.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • [DEV] Snail@lemmy.worldtoPixel Dungeon@lemmy.worldHi, New mod?
    7 months ago

    Pro: I like the new items and numerous expansions

    Con: It all happens too fast. By the time I reached level 5 I already had over 125 upgrade scrolls, 500,000 gold, every common item from armor to rings and identified.

    IMHO there should be less starting items, spread them accross the dungeon.

    The title screen should be changed to identify your mod.

    Why put a security lockout on the game to prevent screenshots?

    Update: The game crashes when destroying pillars on the DM-300 boss fight. Can’t proceed any further.

  • I once had a warroir with brimstone armor and an elastic sword. I stood in a room full of burning traps and used a scroll of rage. When the monsters came running I just kept snapping them onto the traps. Quite amusing too.

    I also get a good laugh when the leaping demons jump into pits, killing themselves. Or, Ratmogrifying an Evil Eye as it hovers over a pit. Did you know that rats can’t fly?

    Another method I like to use is throwing a Stone of Aggression at the King after he has summond his minion’s and just let them attack him.

    An upgraded wand of lightning is another effective tactic.

    That is what I love about these games, figuring out HOW to beat it. It isn’t just about hack-n-slash.

  • Most of my challenge run and ascension are archer/sniper. I will use my first Upgrade scroll in a pot and make Enchantment stones, using one on the bow a saving the other.

    If you can’t purchase, or find an Augmentation stone, use a Transmutation scroll in a pot. Augment your bow for speed. Multiple shots at a distance along with the enchanted effect works very well.

    If you are lucky to get a Ring of Might, use some Upgrades on it. Eventually you will get into mêlée and want to punch hard and fast.

    Ring of Evasion with a few upgrades, and cloth armor with Stone enchanted also works well if you can get the right luck.

  • Very nice.

    I did 10 run’s with 7 assends, 1 called, 2 deaths on the new v2.3.0 SPD.

    I use the Huntress as I prefer ranged fighting. My last run was the worst though as I didn’t get a Tier 4+ weapon until I bought one on level 20; food was scarce; and I didn’t find a Tier 4+ armor until level 15. A +3 Ring of Arcana, projecting Great Shield, Bow with lightning enhancement, armor of Thorns, and several Bland Fruit with green seeds are what saved me in the lower levels. Defeated Yog but with no health or food remaining and a far more difficult assent, I called it a day.

    The random aspect of the game absolutely plays a part.

  • Having done some research into this, I find no tool that will do what you want, at least in the way that you want. Everything I find points to recent additions to Android Studio, the APK Analyzer (and apps like it). The tool has significant drawbacks however for this purpose. It doesn’t store results, so they must be manually copied and stored. Also, comparison is one app to a second app, with no option for batch comparison. This leaves one manually bubble-sorting hundreds of Pixel Dungeon APK’s. It doesn’t take folder structure into account, nor does it take image relocation or resizing into account. It is best used for comparing different versions of the same app.

    If anything should come up, I’ll post here, but given complexities of modern apps, I don’t see this ever being a simple project.

  • I did some hunting around and found something I think you will enjoy.

    THIS is a link to an archive of 3 Android APK’s including Nethack, UnNethack that expanded on Nethack, and Slash’Em that vastly expanded on both.

    There is a minor annoyance however, Google. They love breaking things that work, and when they switched to Android 11 Google broke thousands of game’s. In this case, Android prevents these APK’s from creating the data folder (unless one is running an older version of Android).

    The fix is simple but implimenting it can be annoying. The easiest method is to attach your device to a PC and make the folders (screw Android’s security). For those who don’t have a PC, you will have to use a File explorer with permission to make folders in the Android\Data folder.

    If you get an error that the game can’t process the content, it is because Android prevented the installation from making the folder. The 3 folder you “may” have to manually create to run the games are -




    That aside, the 3 games will work on Android 13.