Not just a clown. Here for the memes, not for the loli porn.

  • 101 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • It is, especially from big instances, but some have a no defederation policy


    Yeah i don’t see a problem with that but the rules is not no loli at all, we have some as well, but only sfw or at max slightly suggestive, teen loli stuff would probably be ok as well

    I see, that’s good to know.

    I think someone linked your community recently to, so we can see some memes as well now :)

    I think you could post some stuff in our animemes community, that would federate further into the fediverse than using a burggit community if you like that

    Sure, I’ll keep that in mind for future anime memes. Lemmy makes cross-posting really easy, so it’s just a click away to share. Speaking of which, I should also x-post some of my VN memes back to Visual [email protected] too…

  • Ahh, that’s cool. Always assumed Burggit was defed’d to hell since the early days, lol.

    I see, that might explain why I didn’t set up shop over at that branch (aside from not knowing it existed before Burggit). I don’t post loli memes exclusively or even often, but posting to a place with the same rules as Reddit makes me wonder what the difference between posting to Reddit and Lemmy would be.

    Yea, I’m here for posting funny memes of all types, not the loli porn (though there are a ton of those communities here, somewhat unsurprisingly). I think that’s why most of my posts here can be mirrored over to Reddit without much issue.

    Glad to know there are some linkages between the main anime branch at your side and this branch! (To be honest, there’s not much discussion of anime stuff here, so it’s closer to just being a mirror for the memes I make). I’m perfectly fine cross-posting some posts over to other branches that have related communities, though, since it’s good content for all and more can enjoy it.

  • By showing NSFW posts by default, new users would get an accurate measure of how active it is here and would be more likely to stay (and (hopefully) less of them would be scared off by extreme content than would leave due to lack of content).

    Yea, that’s ultimately the question. I think reinstating blurs and removing auto-expansion (for the visitor view) would help mitigate the former somewhat… it remains to be seen whether that’s possible, even if it seems to be broadly supported here.

    NSFW Lemmy UI removes the blur and auto-expands posts in the first place

    From a convenience/UX perspective, it makes sense. It brings the experience closer to Instagram/Tik Tok “card” style posts where the content is displayed without needing an extra click. That said, I think their content there is relatively tame compared to some of the content hosted here, so it might work for them but not so well for us.

    Reverting these is a no-brainer IMO, and it would bring the experience in line with vanilla Lemmy after creating an account (and enabling NSFW posts).

    I agree - it would also be in line with Reddit’s approach of “Yea you can see NSFW as a lurking visitor, but the thumbnail is hidden and you get a red warning that it’s NSFW”. I think it’s a fair way to go about it.

  • Admittedly I haven’t been on for the past two weeks when it was implemented, so it’s hard to tell whether there’s been more posts from new users resulting from the changes.* Maybe those are stats that the admins might have access to, or not at all.

    *If there are, I’m curious how they’ve discovered this place.

    Agreed, the booru-style filter for default view would be good if it exists in the future. I think RA2lover’s suggestions of non-auto expand and blurred thumbnails for NSFW posts would line up with your “disable auto-expand posts from more extreme communities.” Might be hard to get agreement or to draw a line in the sand and say “This is extreme and this isn’t”, so if it comes to that I’m in favor of erring on the side of caution and non-auto expanding + blurring all NSFW posts for the visitor view (since these posts aren’t gated behind logins). And tailoring the CW popup is a great idea as well, though I’m not sure whether mention should be made of the more extreme content at the pop-up or left for them to discover upon actually hitting the site.

  • I’m not sure if the concerns of the “ghost town” in the original post can be resolved by having non-registered viewers see a bunch of NSFW posts. If one believes the 1% rule that says 99% of people generally lurk and it is a small minority of 1% (and maybe 9% who contribute once in a while) that actually create content, it feels like growth and discussion comes from hitting a critical mass of users (which this community might not have hit yet, but may hit in time), rather than “look, here are more NSFW posts, but you can’t comment until you register an account with us.”

    Though it’s not quite the same as hiding away NSFW posts behind registration (since a flood of “wtf” NSFW posts relative to the viewer could flood the front page), I guess that can also be a function of post content as well (SFW vs. NSFW and so on.) With that, I would support your suggestion on the UI changes, since it would give them the same view as registered users (albeit an expanded view of non-blocked communities). At the very least, having the “wtf” content be blurred and not auto-expanded might help avoid insta-reject reactions (or delay it for a few seconds until they click on one out of curiosity and go AHHH MY EYES WHAT IS THIS) 😅

  • Just realized there was a “how about you” question, lol. I came over to Lemmy in the great Reddit API Migration and looked around for Lemmy servers/branches/instances. This server was advertised back then as being loli-friendly, so I thought it would be a great place to post memes (including those that Reddit wouldn’t like to see in their push to be advertiser-friendly).