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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I’m late to the party but I’ll still share. To answer your first question, yes this is how it happens.

    My experience was similar, I think it also has to do with you unlocking upgrades for the guns along with the OCs, I’ve read someone’s suggestion for grey beards to try a Haz 4 or 5 without all of the upgrades and OCs to try and remember what it was like starting out. I need to try that at some point.

    The other thing I’ll add is that I was just in that same comfort level and recently jumped to pretty much all Haz 5 unless I’m trying a new OC. Still dying a little more than I’d like so I wouldn’t say it’s cozy yet but Haz 4 started feeling too easy and I’m going for the challenge right now.

  • If you’re going to come at me with a link about Ukraine, please make sure it’s from a website that’s not run by this guy:

    Ben Aris: There’s a narrative in the mainstream media about, you know, “Stand with Ukraine and never report the negative stuff, only report the positive stuff.” But people I deal with, professional investors in particular, they’re interested in what’s actually going on because they’ve got money in the game in the form of investments and assets.

    I don’t think the negative stuff shouldn’t be reported but fuck him and his professional investor friends.

    BTW: Ben Aris has controlling interest in the company that owns the link you shared and got his start in journalism in Moscow.

  • I think these types of conversations are important for men and women alike. I’m a straight white man who is comfortable sharing his emotions with my partner, friends, and co workers. I have a bad habit of putting others and their needs before myself but I also make sure I take care of/pamper myself. When someone challenges me, especially to physical confrontation or some other potentially dangerous behavior, I can easily decline and look “weak”, I’ve never been in a fist fight in my life and I’m happy about that. In my mind and the way I was raised (in WV of all places) these are strong masculine traits: be open and honest with people around you, take care of others and yourself, and don’t do anything overly dangerous just to look tough or more important than you are.

    The thing is, all of these a strong qualities that I want in the people I associate with, men and women. There are toxic behaviors on every part of the gender spectrum, the trick is recognizing them, not playing into them yourself, and helping family and friends through open dialogues not meant to shame or embarrass but real conversation.

    My post is kind of rambling and I apologize for that but I wanted to put this out there because I saw a few comments about how some women and certain behaviors, like protecting a loved one from a mugger, can perpetuate toxicity. And to that I say, if there are people like that in your orbit, you either need to cut them out or if you love them and want them around, you need to have a conversation with them about their toxic behavior.

  • I like it. I think the drillevator missions are a change from the other mission types. Looking for the crystals is kind of annoying, but it always seems to cause the team to separate and that can lead to more danger. I think the drillevator phase should have more bugs that can attack from a distance to make it more intense, that part always seems to be pretty easy except for the very first time when we didn’t have enough enough ammo. I like the Core stone event and the unique enemy types. It feels like the Ommeran Heartstone missions are tougher on haz 5, not a complaint, I just don’t totally understand the phase where it turns red and small bubbles of stone pop up. I like that you can play previous seasons, I only started at the beginning of last season. I haven’t gotten to play around with the new overclocks yet. Overall I can’t really complain.

  • The one you made looks excellent, I cook them quite a bit but I usually just put cheese inside. If I’m filling it with veggies or chicken, I always cook that stuff first.

    If you try and go low and slow, you’re going to end up with a hard crackly tortilla, cooking quick keeps it chewy and crisp on the outside.

    On my electric stove, the dials go from 1-10 and I find that for my stove, preheating my cast iron pan with the burner on 4 keeps it from burning but cooks it pretty quick.

  • The movies just came out. I’d like to see Fall Guy in a theater but I’m busy, even movies that come out on streaming still take me a few weeks if not months to get to. I got shit to do.

    Hollywood really needs to stop declaring flops within the first few weeks, whether it’s streaming or films in theaters. I really wish things were allowed to grow organically. Video games are essentially in the same boat. Unlike my dad who stopped watching movies because of the “Hollywood liberals” I’ve stopped watching/buying any new movies/tv shows/video games because everyone is looking for an immediate smash hit. I give them at least a year now. If enough people are still talking about it, I might buy it.

    I finally watched the first Dune last month, still on the fence about buying Baldur’s Gate 3, I’ll probably get around to it eventually.

    After wasting all that time typing this out, I realize that I don’t really care that much. The producers and powers that be don’t care about me so I’m not their target demographic. But, I take comfort in the fact that by the time I get to some new(to me) piece of media that it’ll be good because it stood the test of time(at least for a year or so).