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Joined 6 days ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2024


  • And who signs 90% of these apparatchick’s paychecks? It’s the billionaires.

    The billionaires are the ones LARPing as the puppeteers. And if we don’t challenge them, their shitty LARPs are uncontested and become real.

    The billionaires are the primary beneficiaries of the status quo.

    I feel like you’re anthropomorphizing. The vast majority of the billionaires aren’t human. We deregulated banks with a partial repeal of Glass-Steagall and the Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act. And, we continued to strengthen corporate personhood.

    Today, the banks are the billionaires that own the stock in the corporations that exercise their right to free speech in campaign donations to puppeteer politicians into making the status quo worse for the vast majority of humans.

  • The government is allowed to impeach them. Legally speaking.


    The right will block such an action though because they too are corrupt.

    I encourage ignoring the present day situation for a moment. Instead, think along the lines of systemic design.

    If our system exists as a two party system, if one party takes a strong position using whatever legal means, they know the other party will soon also use the tactic in greater magnitude. If they impeach Justices, the vote certainly along party lines, then the composition of Congress changes, and their Justices will surely face impeachment. If one party wisely expands the court leaving room for future expansion, the other party will in the future certainly expand the court to the limit.

    Neither party actually needs to fulfill promises to anyone but those that donate money for the propaganda. The propaganda keeps the vast majority from killing all the would-be kings, money lenders, and politicians.

    The initial designers of our system predicted that the greatest weakness is the possibility of devolution into a two party system. They thought it’d take much longer than “immediately”.

    Coming back to the modern day, and he last several years, I think some protesters said it best:

    Fuck Donald Trump and fuck Biden, too! Neither of them give a fuck about you!

  • There’s no court with authority over the Supreme Court. There’s no systemic means to operationally define their means as illegitimate.

    So, if the system is to be preserved, the rules must be respected, and We the People must tolerate corrupt Justices until they choose to resign or die. But, such is intolerable! The system must yield. But, if it ignores its core rules then it deserves no respect!

    It’s important that we recognize that various systems are scams and learn how they work. But, often, just like this example, what we find is that the system allows no means of recovery that We the People would find adequate.

    They’ll always tell us to be patient, to wait for a more convenient time for change, praying that enough of us don’t reason our way into enough systemic impasses to do more than cast a meaningless ballot. Most of us have very little and trust each other even less. But, sacrificing for our neighbor is the only way forward.

  • It’s just another bullet point in a half century long problem.

    The FTC is an independent Federal anti-trust enforcement agency. After SCOTUS 1977 Continental TV v. GTE made the nuance of certain contact terms subjectively legal, allowing mergers likely in the interests of global competition, the FTC has been effectively neutered. The only significant action has been the breakup of the Bells in 1982 and some Microsoft anti-Netscape gibberish around 1999.

    The FTC has effectively lost every significant case it’s brought since about 1970. Consumers haven’t had any significant protections since 1982, more than forty years ago.

  • In the US a “wilderness” is a large area completely devoid of documented human infrastructure.

    Yellowstone’s publicly accessible areas have very well-developed infrastructure. The vast majority of the park is meant to be explored by vehicle on paved roads and by walking paved trails. But, even the dirt trails are so “well maintained” that they’re like a wide dirt sidewalk with an occasional root or rock. There’s non-public areas inside Yellowstone that are almost devoid of infrastructure and maintenance, almost wilderness.

  • It seems to me groups have people have been choosing a king to do their reasoning for them since the beginning of humanity. And, the application of computers to communications and profits has significantly raised the bar of adequacy for wise decisions while (US) educational efforts have been in decline for nearly a half century.

    How do we encourage the critical mass of free thinkers to break the current paradigm, let alone the ancient one?

    Sincerely, does anyone see some sort of plan here? I often feel like I’m shouting into the void for little more than dying with self-respect. Can we reason our way to revolt, already?