• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • The silver maple capitate mite ( Vasates quadripedes ) is a herbivorous mite from the family Eriophyidae . Monophage, haloformer, damages North American maples: silver maple ( Acer saccharinum ), sugar maple ( Acer saccharum ), red maple ( Acer rubrum ). Induces the formation of small capitate galls on the leaves. Comes from North America. In the 20th century, with planting material, it was brought to Europe. Recorded in 1957 in Latvia, currently widespread in Europe on silver maple ( Acer saccharinum ).

  • Pros of Gardening with Raised Beds:

    Improved Drainage: Raised beds typically allow for better soil drainage, which can be beneficial for plants that don’t do well in waterlogged conditions.

    Easier Maintenance: Raised beds can reduce the amount of bending and stooping required during gardening tasks, which can make the activity more accessible for people with mobility issues or physical discomfort.

    Higher Yield: Because plants can be grown closer together in raised beds, they often result in higher yields than traditional row planting.

    Pest Control: Raised beds can help deter some garden pests, like rabbits and slugs.

    Soil Quality Control: With raised beds, gardeners have full control over the soil environment, making it easier to tailor to the specific needs of different plant varieties.

    Aesthetic Appeal: Raised beds can add structure and aesthetic appeal to your garden, especially if you have a larger space.

    Facilitates Cold Frames/Mini Greenhouses: Raised beds can easily be converted into cold frames or mini greenhouses by adding a PVC pipe and plastic covering. This allows for extended growing seasons.

    Cons of Gardening with Raised Beds:

    Initial Time and Expense: Building or purchasing raised beds can require a significant initial investment in terms of both time and money.

    Watering Needs: Raised beds often require more frequent watering than traditional gardens because they drain so well.

    Soil Temperature: Raised beds can lead to soil temperatures that are cooler in the shoulder seasons and hotter in the summer. This might be a disadvantage for certain plants that prefer a consistent soil temperature.

    Potential Materials Decay: Depending on the materials used to construct the raised beds, they may decay over time and need to be replaced.

    Space Limitations: Raised beds may not be suitable for larger plants or those with deep root systems due to space limitations.

    Limited Mobility: Once installed, raised beds are not easy to move. Careful planning is required to ensure the right location and layout.

  • I want to be a part of something new. And I want to see it from as early in the process as possible. I’ve been opening issues on lemmy apps, helping users, better understanding the technologies, the intricacies of federation, and the process of building and nurturing a positive, supportive community. That’s fun, and rewarding. And it feels like we get to own it a little. And someday I may have my own Lemmy instance and I can continue the work, all in my own way.

  • I lived in an old apartment in 2002. The place was built in 1900, so it was just over 100 years old when I moved in. The living room and kitchen were fine, but the bathroom and bedroom we’re unnerving, like I just always felt like I was being watched, especially in the bedroom if the closet door was open. Those unnerving feelings just became moderately uncomfortable as I settled in. I felt safe in the bedroom, but only if the door was locked. One night I was dead asleep when there was a loud BANG on my bedroom door. When I got up the courage to get out of bed, I checked the apartment and all the windows were closed and locked from the inside, the door still had the chain secured, no one was in there. I mentioned the closet in the bedroom, I never liked going in there, and I never liked if the door was open. For some reason, in my head I would hear gasping noises. So for that reason, the closet stayed closed.

    A month or more after I was woken to the bang on my door, I was dead asleep. But something woke me up, and it was a pressure on me like being held down. It was pitch black in my room, I couldn’t see anything, but I knew some was standing over me. When I could finally turn on a bedside lamp no one was there. After then I couldn’t sleep in the dark, I had to sleep with a lamp on. That incident scared the life out of me. And after that the unnerving feeling of being watched intensified. Friends would come over, and comment about being uncomfortable in the bathroom like being watched. It became so uncomfortable for me, when I had the chance to move to another unit, I jumped at it. I packed up and got out.

    After me, several people rented the apartment, and they would move out within months. I became friendly with the building manager, and I told him that I felt the place was haunted. He kind of laughed it off.

    Years after, they were renovating the place, building manager was doing some painting in there, the building owner was there too. I went and checked out the apartment, and it looked nicer, it didn’t feel as creepy. I got to talking with the building owner, and through the course of conversation he just throws it out there that a former tenant committed suicide in the closet by hanging themselves. He also mentioned that the original designer of the building lived in that apartment, and died in there. I wasn’t mad when I heard that, but felt validated that what I experienced was real.