
  • 299 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I hope I’m wrong.

    I think you and I are right to be concerned.

    These soldiers have been spotted doing military exercises in occupied Ukraine, near Marieopol, Donetsk.

    Overall, in the news they’ve mentioned 10K to 13 K NK soldiers off late. And they’re probably up to no go good in Donetsk or like some said training for a future conflict in N & S Korea.

    I’m unsure as how the western allies will or should respond, except to view this is a new provocation and escalation of war. NK has openly put their boots in occupied Donetsk.

    Update According to Guardian , " NIS said North Korean soldiers were given Russian military uniforms and Russian-made weapons and were issued with fake ID cards of residents of Yakutia and Buryatia, two regions in Siberia.

    “It appears that they disguised themselves as Russian soldiers to hide the fact that they were deployed to the battlefield,” the agency said.

    As to the question what are they doing and what will they be doing; they aren’t planning to help rebuild Ukraine or offer humanitarian help, I reckon.

  • Also according to Guardian

    Daniel Fiott, head of the defence and statecraft programme at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, has summarised the main points in X

    90 references to “defence”. Key points:

    👉🏻 defence industry too fragmented 👉🏻 too many capability duplicates 👉🏻 not investing in EU suppliers 👉🏻 common procurement needed 👉🏻 defence fuels growth 👉🏻 need more investment 👉🏻 integrate AI into defence 👉🏻 private finance And more.

  • The Danish People’s party and the Flemish nationalist pro-independence Vlaams Belang announced on Saturday that they would join, giving Patriots for Europe 23 MEPs – enough to meet the EU parliament’s threshold for formal recognition.

    Other parties involved are the Austrian far-right Freedom Party (FPOe), the centrist ANO of former Czech prime minister Andrej Babis, the Party for Freedom (PVV) of Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders, Portugal’s far-right Chega party and Spain’s Vox.

    Disturbing trends…