• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The simplest forms are. Except hyperlinks are super powerful and unlike paper you can restructure and recomnect as you see fit. Since it is computer software, you can also get other benefits like a working to do-list next to your medicine list or machine learning indexing and cross-referencing your documents. Take a look at the Devonthink website for an idea of how idea management on steroids look. On the other end of the spectrum you have things like Obsidian where everything is simply stored in pure markdown text and synced by you how you see fit. There’s a solution for every temper these days.

  • Another Zorin OS here. I was surprised and delighted by how little it gets in your face. Updates also seem extremely fast compared to the (many!) other distros I’ve tried. Unless there’s a kernel update, there will just be a little notification at boot asking “There are these updates. Do you want to update now or later?” - and I always choose now because it’s so fast and gets out of your way. I also appreciate the defaults.