Over 800 million monthly users, really? :D
What has Bert ever done to you? T_T
URL shorteners are generally blocked and for good reason.
How so? I can get being blocked in general as it’s commonly known but for example is not. For all an unsuspecting reader knows that ( could be an alternative to emojipedia.
Can any URL shortener be detected by Automod automatically with technical means, by checking for permanent redirects e.g.?
Or is some poor fella forced to maintain a static list of know URL shorteners the Automod uses? :D
Aaaahhhhh stop putting whole text in code blocks aaaaaaaaa
Will work? :D
That money’s going to Mozila tho (or the Mozilla foundation or something, I never get the exact details right without looking up).
Anyway, the point is it will not be used to fund Firefox development if that is where you intend it to go. Can’t, for legal reasons or other bs.
Probably no harm in donating whatsover, they do other great stuff aswell, just YSK.
but man, whatever happened to editorial review?
It’s still wednesday rule my dudes
In c-yase youwu didn’t sweats knyow, “smiwey faces” awen’t c-considewed pwofessionyaw. 👉👈🥺
We knew the rule.
We brought the rule.
We came to rule.
There’s the option to copy the link to a post, e.g. for this one:
Isn’t that a share feature or am I missing the point of your post?
Costume? Who would even dare dressing as maid, let alone slander the whole profession with a cheap costume.
Nononono that’d be naughty UwU
Any honourable, self-respecting maid’s uniform can handle that. It’s work clothes after all ffs! UwU
What is not drip about a maid uniform?
Learning something new every day Ü
Congratulations - your are one of today’s lucky 10.000! Ü
“I am sorry to say this, but please be mindful of wearing Reddit gear in public,”
People wear Reddit gear? In public?! :D
Now that is giving me work PTSD of super duper hip and fresh company gear we were given and encouraged to wear aaaaughhhhhhhh.
SpongeBOZZ rule