Kein Bot

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • If your AMD card is older than your latest linux distro release it’s plug and play, no driver installation required
    Wayland works pretty well on most desktop environments too

    beware fresh released AMD cards in combination with long term release distros like Debian stable, you most likely will need the driver from the AMD website (not recommended)

  • EddyBot@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich_iel
    3 months ago

    Meine Landskasperl sind kurz davor Verschwörungsmythen zu erzählen

    Der bayerische Wissenschaftsminister Markus Blume (CSU) hat in einem “Welt”-Interview (Bezahlartikel) das von seiner Regierung geplante Genderverbot an Hochschulen verteidigt und behauptet, diese staatliche Maßnahme sorge für “Genderfreiheit”.

    so einen ähnlichen Durchfall hab ich heute auch schon irgendwo gehört wegen der neuen Regelung, kann mich aber nicht erinnern obs der selbe Kasperl war

  • Just a little heads up in case you didn’t knew:
    if you install packages like latte-dock from pacman (or build from source in this case) they will vanish with your next Steam Deck update because the Linux on the Steam Deck works quite different to a regular Linux installation

    I wouldn’t get so much hung up on latte-dock anyway since it is unmaintained since quite some time and doesn’t even work on the latest KDE Plasma 6 (which SteamOS doesn’t have yet but will come in the near future)
    customizing the default Plasma Panel (right click on desktop > enter edit mode > add panel) is your best bet nowadays for a similar look

    anyway if you are really dead set on latte dock you will need to “initialize” all public keys first from the Arch Linux and Steam developers until you actually can install anything on the package manager pacman

    pacman-key --init
    pacman-key --populate archlinux
    pacman-key --populate holo

    the last line is specific for SteamOS only