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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • No, hair dryer works by taking ambient air and heating it before blowing it out. Besides, definitely don’t want to heat up the phone. The aircon dries the air itself as part of the cooling. When using your windscreen vents you don’t have to set the temperature to hot to clear the windscreen as long as that aircon compressor is running. People just do because when you need to defog your windscreen it’s usually cold as fuck outside…

    To dry the phone, set vent to windscreen, temperature to cold, and make sure the aircon indicator on. Cold, dry air.

  • Certainly not seeing you as an ass on a rant. I do aim to do better. I said it because I didn’t consider you. The concept of you. A person of disability in this world. This instance. This conversation. The problem with the online world is that you don’t see the other person. You take impressions. “These people have similar opinions, they must be just like me…” And in my case, “just like me” is a mid 40s able bodied white man. I see words on a screen with similar views to mine, the mind doesn’t default to “dark skinned woman with paraplegia” (I have no idea who you are, just an example of who isn’t me). It doesn’t see that. Instead similar views is similar person.

    Was that a throwaway line of "dark humour " for the lowest common denominator? Probably. But it doesn’t matter because it was still hurtful.

    I know I would never have thrown it out in front of my coworker Jake. The man has cerebral palsy, but we’re both employed to unload that truck. He is my equal.

    Why does what I think or say even have to be thought about? Probably because I was raised in a home of “different is wrong” and stereotyping. Who I became as a young man and who I want to become as I get older are 2 different things that take effort.

    Thankyou for helping me with my path.

  • Mine is just a combination of a shortened nickname from just out of high school (Donkey) and my D.O.B. Not secure, don’t care… I got sick of writing out my original when logging in as it was too long. Donkey_Snickers That was back when the tagline for the Snickers chocolate bar advertisements was “Really satisfies”… I had a bit of an ego regarding my sexual prowess 20 something years ago…