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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023

  • The founders didn’t even want to give the country a standing army. What precedent is there, contemporary or modern, where the judicial has its own direct enforcement arm?

    In theory, police fill this role…it’s kind of in the name “law enforcement.” But in practice they are something else, they can be captured and corrupted like anyone else.

    In theory, the military swears an oath to defend the Constitution. The Secretary of the Navy could decide, for instance, to order a military coup, storm the White House with Marines, and arrest Trump, Musk, et al. But this is extremely risky, both in tactical terms and in public image. At the end of the day, The People elected Trump, and they would be dishonoring that essential choice. Unless Trump does something like send B-52s to carpet bomb Los Angeles, the military will be determined to stay apolitical.

    You’re all looking for some play-by-play guidebook or ruleset in breaking the rules. You will not find one, it is an oxymoron. The founders risked arrest and death by hanging by setting this country in motion, they were not following the rules either. I obviously won’t extol their moral character in whole, but they knew that the divine right of kings was wrong and that representative government was the future, and they acted upon these beliefs.

  • Most of the people I’m around are not rich by any means, but they are not living paycheck to paycheck. Rising cost of living is worrying, but manageable. They can afford to pay even the littlest bit of attention or concern, but they don’t. Because then they would have to admit that things are collapsing around them week by week, and that’s too frightening for them.

    Frankly I’m tired of justifying the behavior of the average American with infantilizations like we are some lower form of life without sapience. At some point we have to own up to it, even if it’s painful, even if all we have is ignorance, cowardice, and apathy.

  • As George Carlin said, selfish ignorant people elect selfish ignorant leaders.

    Personally, talking to anyone about politics here is unnerving. Most people are in this fog where current events are only an ephemeral storyline that they tune into periodically like it’s a TV drama. Never a big deal, never anything that could affect them or those they care for. It’s a position of privilege, frankly. Maybe some of them are just that dumb. I think a lot of people, though, are scared, either of their ignorance or their powerlessness, so they simply avoid being involved or educated out of discomfort. That’s probably the nicest interpretation I have for my countrymen’s behavior.

    Otherwise you are spot on. The uniquely tasteless brand of brash American chauvinism that we were globally lampooned for during the Invasion of Iraq has metastasized. We are long overdue for being knocked down a peg. I wish I could say the fallout from this painful reckoning would stay within our borders, but it most likely won’t. We have a very uncertain year ahead of us, let alone the next five years.

  • I could keep this joke going, but I’ll instead say that you’re forgetting about the broad daylight assassination of UHS CEO Brian Thompson, where the shooter used a suppressed pistol. Sure, it’s one incident. But frankly, with the current political climate and perhaps the coming economic climate driving people to desperation…I would not be surprised if we see copycats.

    Yes, it appears that the shooter used a 3D printed suppressor and glock frame. That is not a good excuse to deregulate factory suppressors. Saying that there is no tactical value in the signature reduction suppressors give is disingenuous.