• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Its hard to explain, but basically try to train your brain not to dwell on it, as it will only make you more anxious and depressed which creates a positive feedback loop (positive meaning that it propogates itself, not that it is good). You gotta take these thoughts and put them in a little box in the corner of your brain and dont open it unless you have a reason to.

    I know this sounds like telling a depressed person to just try smiling more! But if you really focus, you can actually have a lot more control over your brain and your thoughts than you’d expect.

  • Congrats! I had a similar thing happen to me (though after almost a year of unemployment i got a job with more pay 😀). It takes a while for the despression to subside after such a long time of feeling worthless. I recommend picking up a constructive hobby. By that I mean not videos games or books or films or whatever. A hobby where you can make something you’re proud of, woodworking, art, learn an instrument, something crafty y’know? If feels great to finish a project or perfect an new song, something that you can show to people and be proud of.