I’m giving you Lemmy gold
I’m giving you Lemmy gold
Yes clearly that’s exactly the same as throwing trash around at a park /s
Before the corporations colonized it
Odo is such a dick to Quark in early DS9
Why in the ever loving fuck would you embed an auto playing video
I’ll never understand people who make doing free labor for a corporation some sort of top tier ethical standard.
Not lttering, following traffic rules, there are so many small ways we make our society better and yet people get so worked up over the one that is providing free labor.
Sorry you can’t handle facts you don’t like I guess?
Like cigarettes. Targeting alcohol too is an example of making the labels useless.
Try being into board games. “Oh like Monopoly” NO NOT LIKE A 100 YEAR OLD GAME INTENTIONALLY DESIGNED NOT TO BE FUN AS A CRITICISM OF CAPITALISM. There have been new board games made in the last century and they’re actually fun.
This was a marketing gimmick, they had guards to make sure no one actually broke it
Ehhhhhh alcohol is nowhere near as dangerous as cigarettes. The point of labelling cigarettes is that they’re so exceptional dangerous.
Who specifically is leading and organizing this?
Constantly spreading around leaderless calls to action is actively harmful to real progress.
Maybe if they actually tried to do shit people would give them more power?
And you’re still less transphobic than most conservatives
I don’t know what they mean when they say economic reasons. Rent? Wages? Food costs? Apparently none of those.
I’ve got $10 on Trump brings back the old anti-Catholic America
Hurting minorities as always
As anyone who has ever set foot in that shithole can attest
Yeah gotta make sure the war criminals know Democrats are on their side…
Cars are a scam to keep the working class poor