Hey! Still kinda nervous about putting this kinda stuff out there, but I figured I’d contribute to the scene and put out some content. I thought about posting it in the PF2e General Discussion, but was afraid it wasn’t PF2-related enough… If you think it fits there, you’re more than welcome to crosspost it.

I’ve started a minimalist blog where I generally post about TTRPG design and how I run my games which I’ve linked on this post. Its focus is Pathfinder 2e-adjacent as that is my mainstay system, but stuff I write on prep and stuff is general enough to apply to other systems as well I should think.

I only really have one article thus far, which is about designing battlemaps and how every little choice influences the encounters that occur within them, which you can read here. I hope it’s of some use, or at least sparks some fun discussion.

If you have any questions or feedback, by all means go ahead and comment - I’m still grappling with adding accessibility features and such. If you need any details about the blog, there’s an ‘About This Blog’ article pinned at the top of the page.