It’s a designer knockoff I bought online. Crossbody, 28x18cm (10x7 in), and I guess chains are a thing now because most bags have them in some form of a handle nowadays rather than old school leather or fabric straps?

Also, hi blahaj! I’m Kelly. Long time lurker, first time poster. 49, transwoman. Egg shattered into a million pieces last November and have been on a wild ride of self disco with the wife. What an experience it is, learning how to be yourself.

But seriously, this bag. This beautiful, fabulous, shiny bag! How much does this bag rock my face? Omfg I love this fucking bag

  • Kelly Aster 🏳️‍⚧️@lemmy.worldOP
    6 months ago

    Dunno if serious, but there actually is a fanny pack with this design! You can find it on AliExpress, search for “Kurt Geiger fanny pack”. It looks like at least three different vendors stock it right now. Happy hunting!