Released in February 2015, The Order: 1886 was a stunning PlayStation 4 game at the cutting-edge of rendering technology, with visuals that still hold up tod...
Put it in your wishlist so you get a notification when it’s on sale. I bought it like six years ago for $2.99.
I really enjoyed it for that price. I get why people didn’t like it on release because it literally took me about three hours to play the game twice to get the platinum trophy, so I won’t lie and say I wouldn’t be miffed for paying $60 for a game that can be beaten during a smoke break. But for $3, I had my fun. The setting was cool and I wouldn’t mind seeing a sequel to it.
I want this game to come as one of the free games on PS+. I never got to play it back when it launched.
Put it in your wishlist so you get a notification when it’s on sale. I bought it like six years ago for $2.99.
I really enjoyed it for that price. I get why people didn’t like it on release because it literally took me about three hours to play the game twice to get the platinum trophy, so I won’t lie and say I wouldn’t be miffed for paying $60 for a game that can be beaten during a smoke break. But for $3, I had my fun. The setting was cool and I wouldn’t mind seeing a sequel to it.