Mission Preparation Class for the stake. Here are the details:

When - First Sunday of every month at 6:00pm, starting on April 7th.

Where -*****

Who - All youth in Grade 12 and young adults who are preparing for or considering serving.

What - Since there isn’t a set curriculum, I am going to focus on helping the youth to think about all of the many reasons to serve a mission and to choose to serve for the reasons that are most important for them. Each week we’ll focus on another reason and talk about how a mission can bless their lives and the lives of others in that way. My hope is that they will come out of the class with a desire to serve and strong reasons for serving that will help sustain them through difficult times. Some topics that I have thought about so far (subject to change):

  • To help bring the gospel into people’s lives

  • To learn how to become more like the Saviour

  • To learn how to receive and act on revelation

  • To learn how to better study the scriptures

  • To learn how to live and work with a companion

  • To learn the Gospel and gai n a deeper testimony of it’s truths

  • To get experience with feeling negative emotions like anxiety and fear, but still being able to important things