Microsoft, doing it’s part to make the world a better place.

    8 months ago

    “Never used Linux”, really son? Had my first UNIX class when you were shitting in your diaper, and was doing Fortran on a Sperry Rand UNIVAC well before you were born.

    Any other snarky comebacks?

    Oh, Linux now has package management… Like Windows did pretty much 30 years ago. Wow, yea, you really told me.

    Now wait, when you pull a package, which shell is it expecting? How are dependencies controlled in your business environment? Oh, you have to build that in your distribution system? Why would anyone switch, do all that work, when they already have a Windows infrastructure that does the same?

    Oh, wait, where’s CAD? How about supporting, software with license dongles that control CNC machines? Oh, yea, practically no vendor supports Linux this way.

    Are you paying for all your users to learn a new system? How about all the poor performance from end users because things work differently now?

    How about the thousands of spreadsheets in a company that now get mangled by Open/Libre, let alone the inability of either to handle tables (which basically every Excel spreadsheet has).

    Tell me, what do you do when you meet that must-have app, with zero choice (say, regulatory compliance) that lacks a Linux option. Oh, and doesn’t like RDP?

    Let’s go into a legal environment and push Linux… Oh you’ll love that.

    The way you overlook basically everything speaks volumes.

    I’ve been hearing “Year of the Linux Desktop” since, well, forever. After 25 years it still ain’t happened.