SOLVED: by @[email protected] using columns property

TL;DR: I want to achieve this behavior for the menu layout, but all I can get is this; note the different menu options order.

Two days ago I asked for help for implementing the current behavior without hardcoding the menu height for each resolution step, and there were two suggestions to try display: grid. It looked promising and after reading some documentation I was able to get something very close to what I’m looking for.

The only difference being that I want the chapters to be sorted vertically (as in the current version), but what I got sorts the chapters horizontally.

Here it is (what I think is) the relevant code:

#menu ul {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
  grid-auto-flow: row dense;

Sorry, I don’t have the display: grid version online.

I did a quick search for display grid multiple columns vertical sort and saw this StackOverflow post: CSS Grid vertical columns with infinite rows which, if I understand correctly, says it’s not possible. But I’m pretty sure I’m not understanding it correctly.

Any help will be welcome, thanks!

EDIT: I also tried grid-audto-flow: column (as suggested here) but it just renders a single row. Probably because I’m missing something…

#menu ul {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
  grid-auto-flow: column;

EDIT-2: I was told that for grid-audto-flow: column to work I need to specify the numbers of columns. If I understand correctly, then that doesn’t really help. The original issue is that I need to edit the CSS file every time a new chapter is added. Which would be the same if I have to hardcode the number of rows.

I mean, it’s a bit cleaner to hardcode the number of rows than the height in pixels, but I was looking for a solution that doesn’t require magic numbers in the CSS.

    11 months ago

    Generally you don’t need anything for child element,

    Makes sense. in this case the margin was there from the “display: flex version” and I didn’t realize in the first tests.

    Columns usually try to balance every columns to have same height, and last column have least items.

    Which is exactly what I wanted… and was confused as to why there wasn’t an easy option. This is perfect.

    Thank you very much!