MP3 player was a life changer. I went from a huge CD players not being able to fit in my pocket to a tiny bean that connects to pc with hundreds of songs, and i was blow away!

    1 year ago

    Ahhh yes, I remember the transition from the discman to the mp3 players - it was amazing! No more disc skipping when listening in the car! You suddenly had winamp in your pocket, it was so great. I had one of the cheaper ones, couldn’t afford the ipod but it was still so great.

    I remember storage sizes getting bigger and bigger, and how 100s of songs on one mp3 player was mindblowing.

    I also remember cameras going digital - those blew my mind. You could take as many pictures as you wanted?? And it did take up a valuable spot in your limited roll of film? And you could see it??? Holy shit, man. Then also watching the megapixels start getting better and better.

      1 year ago

      I remember being blown away by no disc skipping and you can store about 3-5 CDs on it! Then I’d have to choose a few albumbs I wanted to listen to and then delete the disk and copy the song I wanted.