• Red Army Dog Cooper@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Look, Would you rather I use the correct name of a state that has been founded from day one on genociding the palistinians?

    • Fimbulwinter@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Yes please. Otherwise it’s cringy. Nobody is “genociding” your precious Palestinians man. It was founded for Jews to have a safe place. But it’s kinda hard when all Muslim countries surrounding it keep poking it and getting their asses kicked. Hey if we wanted it to be fair there should be as many Christian countries as Muslim and Jewish and Buddhist and atheist etc. countries. But unfortunately Jews have been “genocided” for thousands of years and they only have one tiny country to call home in a sea of Arab.

      • Red Army Dog Cooper@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        Look man, I have no care about being “cringy” I think your complet lack of human empathy or geoplolitical understanding is cringe, but that is not the reason I am arguing.

        No the reason Isn’treal was founded (yes I am doubling down on it) was a fuffilment of Zionism, at the time was seen as a deeply anti-semetic idea, and it arguably still is, it is we do not want the Jews near us, Their only argument for it is that the tora talked about it their, and may I point out that it is rediculous that we would use a holy book as justification for kicking people who where living in an area already out of their homes. Palistine already existed as the Palistinian Mandate, it was a mandate under the UK as a comprimise after WW1 for the dissilusion of the Ottoman empire, between self determination of the locals, and the empire building of the great powers of the time, so the idea being is it would be the UK’s in name only. Isn’treal soon after they took over the Mandate of Palistine, did the Nakba, removal of all political rights and posessions, and forced migrations into the gettos, massicers and killings, destruction of importion cultrual and comunity sights, and this, Fimbulwinter, is why their neighbors dislike them, this event right here,

        If you are curious the reason why there are so many isalmic nations in the area, we can look at the ottoman empire, I also want to point out that their are 0 Athiest nations, a large amount of Christian nations.

        So yes Isn’treal has been genocidal from day one, you can even ask the first person they asked to be president Albert Einstine who refused on the basis of the being genocidal.

      • S_204@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        Hey man, your reason and logic aren’t going to hold up to the Qatari and Iranian Propaganda. Doesn’t matter that one side rejected the deal offered at the start, doesn’t matter that one side refuses to acknowledge the other sides existence. This is the time when people can shit on Jews, err I mean Zionists and feel good about themselves.

        The oppressor narrative is pretty hilarious when you put it into the context of a simple map showing Arab countries vs non Arab countries in the region. Next we’ll start hearing about how those countries all converted without a single drop of blood LMFAO.

        • Red Army Dog Cooper@lemmy.ml
          7 months ago

          Being opposed to a LITERAL GENNOCIDE is not Qatari or Iranian propoganda, it is having a simple moral compass.

          Also there is a considerable difrence between Zionists and Jews and if you do not understand that there is a problem

          3rd untill fairly recently Zionism was considered anti-semetic… and it arguably is anti-semetic

          4th I have heard no one say that the conversion to Islam was without wars, are you saying that we need to do a GENOCIDE to get that? really man?

          • S_204@lemm.ee
            7 months ago

            You either need to learn what the word literally means or you need to reread the ICJ ruling.

            There’s no genocide happening. If there were, don’t you think the court would have ruled for a ceasefire or a stopage like they did in Ukraine.

            You fallen for the propaganda. You’re not alone, but that doesn’t make you right.

            As for Zionism being anti-Semitic, the majority of the world’s Jews would disagree with you. Zionism The goal of Jews to have self-determination. Israel provides them that. Anyway, you attempt to twist that is taking that definition away from the way it’s understood by the vast majority of non morons in this world.

            • Red Army Dog Cooper@lemmy.ml
              7 months ago

              They are unable to irder a cesefire as Hamas is not under their jurisdiction, what they can do, and what they did do is order Isn’treal to stop the genocide and take all mesures to prevent it from happening, that they have.

              I understand what propoganda is, and I understand how you could think I have fallen for it, but what has happened is I know the Deffinition of genocide … and I have Eyes, and Ears, they both fuction, I also have a functioning brain that knows how to process information. I am starting to learn that this is a rare and scarce resource to posess.

              As for the idea being anti-semetic, my claim is 1 that before the end of ww2 the idea of Zionism was heavily linked with Anti-Semitism, and 2) that as far as I can tell that has not changed significantly changed. If you would like Cambridge has an article about how there was a strong link between Zionism Anti-Semitism and Nazism. I have not seen any reason to see this as having changed. Now I apreciate your attack on my charicter and mental state of mind, but if you would like to take up the case of moron with Cambrage I would love to hear it …

              Sources https://assets.cambridge.org/97805218/83924/frontmatter/9780521883924_frontmatter.pdf https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240216-pre-01-00-en.pdf

              • S_204@lemm.ee
                7 months ago

                They’re able to order Israel to cease operations though and not only did they not do that, they reiterated their right to defend themselves.

                • Red Army Dog Cooper@lemmy.ml
                  7 months ago

                  They did order them to take all measures to cese the genocide, a thing they are blatantly not doing.

                  FFS take a second reflect on your suport of genocide and your side of history, and maybe think about opposing genocide

                  • S_204@lemm.ee
                    7 months ago

                    I’m good with my position here. I share the ICJ opinion, it’s not a genocide. It could quite easily be one but it’s not and it’s not going to become one. The intent simply isn’t there, and if it were then the 2 million Arabs living in Israel wouldn’t be nearly as comfortable as they are. The Palestinians in Jordan wouldn’t be nearly as comfortable as they are. Unless Gazans have adopted terrorism as a part of their cultural identity, there’s no intent to destroy a people or culture.