If anyone doesn’t know Adam Something, his YouTube channel is fantastic. He frequently takes billionaire transportation dreams, breaks down why they’re stupid and impossible, then suggests some alterations to make it more practical. And the alterations inevitably turn it into a train.
If anyone doesn’t know Adam Something, his YouTube channel is fantastic. He frequently takes billionaire transportation dreams, breaks down why they’re stupid and impossible, then suggests some alterations to make it more practical. And the alterations inevitably turn it into a train.
I didn’t realize there were that many billionaire transportation ideas.
There are many, and they are stupid. Elon is at the top of the list with his fake “hyperloop” and his “not technically fake but effectively nothing boring company telsa tunnel.”
Then are are fun stupid ones like gondolas that travel at about 15ft about streets, making sure never to interfere with the mighty car. Or that super weird Chinese “drive above and around cars bus” that was doomed from the start. How about “autonomous electric rail cars that move around individually without a train engine pulling them or AI self driving taxi bullshit?”
Tons and tons of dumb bullshit that are “trains, but much much worse.”