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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/glitchmagn3t on 2023-08-02 03:17:23.

I am hosting a BBQ on my property soon. There will be many people there along with their young children. One of the invited guests (a family member) is a gun enthusiast with a conceal and carry permit. They brings their gun(s) with them everywhere they go. They often show them off at social gatherings.

That’s all well and good but my wife and I feel uneasy about handguns on our property during a social event with young kids. This family member is safe with guns as far as I can tell but accidents do happen and we would rather not chance it, especially because they do play with the kids. Besides, we live in an area with 0 crime where the biggest threat to anyone’s safety are ticks and bird shit.

That said, I asked if this family member via text if they could please not bring guns onto our property during the BBQ.

So far they have told me that it is not my place to tell them what they can and cannot do with their guns because they have a permit. They also feel personally attacked. “OP, now I know how you and your family really feel about me,” is an actual quote. They also told me that I should have asked nicer and how judged they feel. I emphasized that it’s my house, my rules, but that does not seem to register.

Maybe I am being too up tight? Or maybeI should have had more tact? I’m a little pissed off but trying to remain rational so… AITA?

  • chrizbie
    1 year ago

    It’s absolutely absurd to me that anyone would feel insulated at all about such a reasonable request

  • Jordan
    1 year ago

    Anyone who actually has a concealed carry permit knows that private property owners can absolutely set their own rules.

    At the same time, the whole point of concealed carry is “concealed”. You don’t go flashing your piece for grins.

    All this tells me OP is not the asshole and gun owner is likely not a CCW holder.