I was just browsing a thread on c/nfl looking for new mods. There were multiple 12+ year Redditors there offering to help.

Got me wondering. There are 14,000 of us in this community. How many of us are ten year plus users who have just had enough?

Edit: I didn’t expect this post to be as poignant as it became. There are so many of you… I can’t reply to everyone. I’m an 11 year user and have modded something like 150 subs over the years. I’m really sad too, but I’m finding that lemmy has most of the content I’m looking for, just needs more comments.

The API was a big blow, but removing awards on past posts and deleting coin balances is really dumb.

  • deadbeef
    1 year ago

    I started using reddit during the digg migration. I lurked, replied to stuff and tried to upvote sanity in technical threads occasionally.

    A year or so ago during a work trip to another continent I found that my account had been banned for “violation of the content policy”. I worked their process to try and figure out why, but the replies were totally vague and either bot like or possibly written by someone with english as a second language.

    It turned out that at the point I was banned I hadn’t actually posted anything in over a year, so I really didn’t have anything to go off. It is still a total mystery to me. I created a new account ( which I know they could consider ban evasion ) so I could copy my subscribed subreddits over and I was just lurking for the last year or so until the noise from their API changes pointed me at all the current alternatives. So here I am checking out the alternatives.