Hello! Recently I’ve bought a pair of LetShuoer S12s and absolutely loved them! They’re by far the best set of IEMs/headphones I’ve ever had. For reference the only “headphones” I’ve ever used were gaming headsets and a KZ ZSX that serves me very well until now.
These, for now, are my absolute favorite IEMs/Headphones of all time, just bought a cx31993 and a pair of Spinfit W1s to use with the S12s since they’re on sale on AliExpress and am planning on getting either a HD600 or a DT1990 Pro next.
So I ask you guys, which headphones are your favorites? Which headphones just make you go “Yeah, this is it.”
Current favorite is the moondrop aria snow editions, honestly for both sound but also they’re the most comfortable IEMs I have.
I heard amazing things about the Arias, I almost got them, but the S12s we’re almost the same price as the Arias when I bought them, so I decided to go with the S12s, but in the future I might get a pair of Arias to add to my collection.