Hey all.

I’ve been writing a novel recently - I’m only 2200 words in. It feels like so little and so much at the same time.

Until I graduated college, I loved writing. Reading, too. Then, it feels like my ADHD got much worse and I lost all the passion I had for both. I had about a year of really intense depression while trying to find my first job during COVID. I had basically written nothing for almost three years up until recently. I started, and did not finish, a short story, and am working now on this “novel”. The problem is that I love writing in the abstract, I love putting words together in interesting ways and telling a story. But I can’t stop looking at the word count and feeling hopeless. I can’t stop feeling like there’s no point to any of it because my writing is shit. I feel like all of my passion has just left and I don’t know how to get it back, but I desperately want it back.

This isn’t a question, really, despite the title. I guess I needed to vent and know if I’m not alone in having experienced this.

  • digitallyfree@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I love doing this myself with short 1-2k word scenes to help develop the character and my writing at the same time. When writing a long piece in chronological order it’s easy to get stuck at a section and the continual revising is tedious when you just want to write. So just skip over to a part that you want to explore and you’ll often find it’s much easier to get started. Later on when you actually write that section of your novel you can go back to your old short story and use that scene as inspiration.

    As the previous commenter mentioned writing these short stories also gives you a chance to practice your craft in a more controlled setting. I find myself writing much quicker when I’m not constrained by the subtleties and pacing required for a full novel, and you can adapt the story to match your writing rather than the other way around.