Some article websites (I’m looking at right now, as an example) show the first page or so of article content and then have a “Continue Reading” button, which you must click to see the rest of the article. This seems so ridiculous, from a UX perspective–I know how to scroll down to continue reading, so why hide the text and make me click a button, then have me scroll? Why has this become a fairly common practice?

    9 months ago

    You can still write plain html websites, and they would be super fast! But that’s not how we do things damnit! I need to implement feature x. Do I spend all day rolling my own lean version? Fuck no. I download a 5-ton JavaScript library that already has that feature, and I fuck off the rest of the day.

    You are correct on one thing. The math does not add up at all.

    The root cause is the current meta of software development. It’s bloat. Software is so ungodly bloated today because we’ve been taught since as long as I can remember that hardware is so fast nowadays that we don’t need to care about performance. Because of this mindset, many of the best practices that we were taught work directly against performance (OOP was a mistake. Fight me).

    There might be overhead on the ad tracking bullshit… Sure. But, if developers cared about performance, that ad tracking can be fast, too ;]

    How long should it really take to render a webpage? That should be near instant. If modern games can render a full 3D landscape over 100 times a second, surely a wall of text and some images can be done in under 1 second, right?

    This is a problem in all software. For a simple example, I remember Microsoft word from 20 years ago being quite snappy on the desktops of the time. And by comparison, we are running supercomputers today. A cheap android phone would blow that desktop out of the water. Yet, somehow, word is a dog now…