Jorge Castro, a developer of the project, talks about why Image-based (immutable) systems are way better.
They are ready to use today, for most people.
Changes to the system can be done in a centralized location, like their NVIDIA images, and you can be sure every Client has exactly the same image.
If something breaks, you can reset it!
And its also way safer, as you have a clean system. Apps cant install what they want. You can easily revert all your changes with rpm-ostree reset
Btw. you can still install as many packages as you want with rpm-ostree install
and even add COPRs and other repos like RPMFusion (included in ublue).
Feel free to ask questions!
Ublues enhanced Kinoite image is what I use. Minimal layers, awesome experience!
This is the first I’ve heard of ublue, very interesting project. I started using Kinoite around the time SteamOS 3.0 details were coming out. My Arch install had just shit the bed and I thought it’d be good to get familiar with how the immutable OS might work. I was skeptical at first, but still going strong on the same install probably around 2 years later. I was skeptical at first, but once I got in it and started daily driving, I realized this is the future of Linux.
Really its great! No you cant use a mutable OS for years. Immutable? No problem! You can even switch desktops, upgrade and downgrade versions, try the beta and switch back,…
Its still very hackable. /etc is changeable for example. You can layer RPMs and hack around installing SDDM themes using Lunas awesome sddm2rpm.
And still its secure, has zero-downtime updates and its modern.
I encounter misinformation and other FUD about immutable distributions quite frequently
Imagine a root filesystem that is only modified when you expect, instead of at any time by any software on your system, the horror! </sarcasm>