I thought I would try out firefish/calckey but found a few issues.

I should say I am in my 50s and have been around since I used 1970s BBS so have a reasonable understanding of the Fediverse etc.

But, joinfirefish.org seems to have gone for style over substance. It also doesn’t render properly on Safari (iOS)

Choosing a server to join seems unnecessarily difficult. At the top of the list is firefish.social marked as verified but when you click or tap to find out more you are presented with a coming soon page (not seen one of those since the 90s when everything was Under Construction).

The choice of servers seems limited with a need for more general servers.

It looks like I’m going to need to host my own. But a quick glance seems their’s poor documentation.

What do people think? Can anyone recommend a good general server in English?

  • Jay@firefish.tech
    1 year ago

    @[email protected] I am using firefish.tech which is a new server and seems to be working well so far, but it is quite small.

    Calckey.world is run by the same people as lemmy.world and mastodon.world and is one of the more active ones listed, they are still settling on a new domain name to go with the upgrade because firefish.world was taken.

    The calckey.social server is the calckey/firefish developer’s server that is going to migrate to firefish.social, but the devs had some complications when they unveiled the new firefish branding on Wednesday and held off on performing the domain change. Sign ups are closed right now for that one.