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After a sober new years because I was on call, I decided to keep it going.

Here’s what I’m doing that is helping me so far:

  • No caffeine. It puts me on a rise/crash cycle where I end up going for the beer just to get through the evening.

  • No alcohol lying around; environment is stronger than willpower.

  • Keeping busy until the liquor stores close

  • Eating properly and regularly, so I never reach a state of low energy and low willpower. Because you know a beer will fix that real quick and then you’re back in the cycle.

Also really helps after ADHD diagnosis and having medication to kill the uneasy itchiness that I was using alcohol for.

  • Grayox
    66 months ago

    Reading stoic philosophy helped me alot Epictetus’s discourses is a great starting point and definitely helped me quit.

    • @[email protected]
      76 months ago

      I picked up The Daily Stoic to start incorporating stoicism into my life. 1 Jan was about focusing on what you are able to control and the Serenity Prayer. Fitting for this community.