This page has all upcoming changes nicely formatted with wiki links.

What do you think of those changes?

  • Ranger: i’m super excited about those changes, particularly druid. Looks like druid will be come super op heal support with those changes and i’m VERY interested in the dps and condi alac options. Curious about quickness untamed too.
  • Engineer - on the fence with quickness via leap/blast. On one hand it’s great there is no more need to spam gyros. On the other i very much like the fact that spamming gyros also gives superspeed to allies. Can’t have it all i guess
    1 year ago

    Sad state of affairs that I went to check if that meant that Shatters no longer provide Quickness. It SEEMS like OOC quickness is still somewhat possible. Nuking the range of Temporal Curtain is still retarded, though, same for Null Field (wtf). The Mirage dodge nerf will make it even clunkier to play, staff DPS have been nerfed into the ground and Virtuoso has been straight-up nuked to shite. Which is amazing, considering that the sub-class doesn’t have clones to defend itself and its ability to chain invulns and blocks was its defining trait. No, not the pretty animations, those are just flavour.

    Ah well, what do I care anymore. (<- Not a good reaction.)