On Monday, I'll been conducting a recruitment experiment for a brave and progressive client who, sadly, wishes at this point to remain anonymous. Which, coincidentally, is exactly how these this experiment is intended to work.
I will be pairing remotely, as I often do for clients, with 6 candidates via
The typing only thing is a bit unfortunate. There are enough voice modulators out there that they could probably pay for. V-tubers do it all the time. I don’t really care about the voice, just that they can speak the language properly.
What would be great for interviews in pair programming and working on a solution to some realistic thing e.g take an opensource repo that solved a problem and work together with the person to try and resolve it. You could also put them in mock situations where they have to resolve a disagreement about something e.g how something should be documented, or reason about why a subpar solution has to stay in place, etc.
Just do something that would actually happen at work instead of these “how would you implement a linked list” or “implement a b-tree” or “please take this personality test before we can have a technical interview”…