Basically title. I’m creating a binary planet system and am trying to figure out the impact that being tidally locked and having 6-8 day-long days would have.

I know gravity would be a bit less and the planet would be more spherical. I also know day and night temps would vary a lot more (kudos if someone can point me to how much), and there’d be a single-cell global circulation pattern. Plants would have to have evolved to survive darkness for longer periods. And obviously there are far-reaching implications for intelligent beings eg sleep cycle, etc.

Anything else I’m missing? Any detail anyone can add? Thanks a lot!

Edit: to clarify, I mean two planets orbiting each other and one star, not a binary star system.

    1 year ago

    Do those siblings orbit a star at the same constant distance, or do they change their position through their shared orbital period? I guess both would form an equator which beyond that would always be either in the shadow of its other Sibling or facing away from the Star.

    I imagine that the outer facing side would have regular day and night cycles equal to the sibling’s full revolution.