A class 3 e-bike that weighs ~35-40lbs and looks a lot like a bike is really amazing to see. The steep price tag (~$3800) is not something I would purchase on a whim, but would consider given a few years time to save and ponder
I’d like to see this trend continue, but I do disagree with the gravel bike. It seems like gravel bikes are the crossovers of the bike world.
A class 3 e-bike that weighs ~35-40lbs and looks a lot like a bike is really amazing to see. The steep price tag (~$3800) is not something I would purchase on a whim, but would consider given a few years time to save and ponder
I’d like to see this trend continue, but I do disagree with the gravel bike. It seems like gravel bikes are the crossovers of the bike world.