✢ PeePeePooPoo
Mesh Source: Astellia
Ripped by: Bizu ✢
Races for Acc: All
Races for Ear Replacement: Female Miqo
Numbers: 2/3
Item: Werewolf Helm
Highlight Compatible?: No
✢ Comments: Replaces tail two for female miqo, giving them ears + keeping original tail and replaces werewolf ears for everyone else. Thank you to bizu who originally commissioned these and allowed me to release them. Now comes with a version with vanilla tail 3 and a version with split highlights for both tail 2 and 3.

Creator Page


IPFS aHR0cHM6Ly9pcGZzLmlvL2lwZnMvUW1iM0N6c1lEYTlMbmI2eUNmbVg3VWNnV2pqMThXbmF0ajdOWlpTZ3Y5aXM1Qg==
