Kind of funny. It used to have a cool community on there, at least a decent loli community, but I don’t know what to make of the place. I think people would get banned without reason. It’s not to say there weren’t people on there without good intentions, because i’ve seen plenty of “Anything goes” and “No limits” in the profile bios there.

But I guess it got me wondering, if anybody from the loli places from there spread out and came over there per chance.

    1 year ago

    I used keybase briefly a couple years ago. Got bad vibes from some of the people I met and didn’t stick around. Had the same experience with some Matrix chats I’ve come across.

    I love finding Loli communities but I prefer to keep barriers between myself and any cp or irl content, as I am not interested in viewing or sharing such content. I felt like I was just one wrong click away from seeing something dangerous on some of those places. Much prefer Burggit’s style.

    That said, if you know of a chill community I wouldn’t mind checking them out!