I recently built myself a ground plane ADSB antenna. Following the results of an online calculator got me in the ballpark of the lowest SWR being close to my target frequency. At this point, I started adjusting things and noticed that the SWR shifted when I adjusted the vertical angle of the radials. SWR shifted to my chosen frequency when the radials were about 20* above the horizon, which looks like no ground plane antenna I’ve ever seen before, which either have horizontal or radials angled down at 45*.
With that background, I have 3 questions: 1: What is the implication on radiation/reception pattern of ground plane radials above horizontal? Am I missing out on transmissions close to the horizon and adding vertical gain?
2: Does SWR being lowest with “inverted” radials indicate that the radials are too long? Too short? Just right and I did something else wrong?
3: Is ground plane radial length measured from the attachment point, or the theoretical distance between the end of the radial and the bottom of the radiator? There’s a good chance I built these too long, since I measured the radial length from the attachment point, not the base of the radiator (~1cm further)
Thanks for any guidance! Antennas are black magic to me, and I clearly don’t know the right terms to put into search engines to find the results to these questions.
That’s what I’m hoping to try this coming weekend. Thankfully the frequency is high enough that it’s not difficult to get it a few wavelengths away from anything to remove the chance of interference.