I remember freely cursing with friends probably starting at 3rd grade or so. Just curious about everyone else’s experiences or if that was even a thing for some of y’all.
I remember freely cursing with friends probably starting at 3rd grade or so. Just curious about everyone else’s experiences or if that was even a thing for some of y’all.
I didn’t until I was an adult.
I made very sure not to raise my own child that way, as if some words are inherently bad. It’s the context that matters, not the word itself, and I made sure my kiddo learnt that instead of “swearing bad”
I like this idea, can you give an example so I can understand it better?
So, I told my kiddo I don’t care if they swear at home, or swear with their friends, because words are only words. What matters when they’re speaking to me or around me is the meaning of their words, and whether they’re intended to hurt.
However, I told them that not everyone thinks that, and to some people, swearing is inherently upsetting, and they will need to be aware of that. If they swear at school or somewhere else and get in trouble, “I am allowed to swear at home” won’t be an excuse.