Tomorrow, I’m moving to the UK (yay!) I lived in France for 3 years, and everything has European Sockets. I’ve got for now one Adaptator That goes from European Sockets to UK Sockets. And I was simply wondering if it was ok to plug a 6-EU Multi-Socket into an Adapter? A 600w PC and a 2k144hz screen will be plugged in it, and maybe a lamp, and sometimes my phone charging
Have a Wonderful Day while you’re at it!
I’d imagine it will be fine.
It’s “adapter” by the way. Not that I’m criticising, just trying to help. I’m super jealous of people that are bilingual.
Thank you very much mate! I’ll go change it right away I really took the French word “Adaptateur” And added “or” at the end thinking it was the right word Edit: I had “Adaptator” and not “Adapter” written
Adaptator is a much better word, we should use that from now on.
You say adapotator, I say adaptomator