As a B.A. holding custodian I resemble that remark!

    1 day ago

    This strikes me more as a result of the push for everyone to attend university, and the perversion of higher education’s function to be almost purely vocational at the undergrad level. Now, companies no longer seem to offer any proper internal training for the majority of roles, preferring to just require a college degree, any degree, and say, “Eh, this person got a BA in Medieval Tibetan science fiction, they should be able to figure it out.” Positions that my father was hired for in the 80s and 90s that he excelled in offered 3-6 month training periods, and were accepting pretty much any candidate who showed an interest in learning and could pass an interview. These same positions now want a BA, internships and multiple references to be considered, and have eliminated the training programs offered, assuming new hires will either know how to do the role already, or figure it out as they go.

    While I think that anyone who in interested in doing so should have the right to pursue higher education, I think the push for everyone to do so is probably misguided, ultimately doing a disservice to most students, and to the idea of tertiary education as a whole. There are many people who don’t have any particular interest in pursuing further studies beyond, “I would like to get a job and not die starving in a gutter, please.” They aren’t really going to benefit from a university education aimed at pursuing knowledge for its own sake, and this sort of curriculum also doesn’t necessarily serve the increasing demand of universities to be fancy vocational institutes, so the course work gets dumbed down and everyone gets a subpar experience. Of course, students are going to be disengaged if they didn’t really have any interest in rigorous study of a field to begin with, but have arrived at their chosen major by function of either how easy it is to get a degree (and thus, tick another box in HR software), or what the expected return on their investment in tuition will be.

    In my opinion, rather than pushing for everyone to attend university, we ought to demand more of our primary and secondary educational institutes (though, in the US, we should probably have them properly functioning at their currently inadequate level first, I suppose), and stop letting companies off load the costs of job training upon applicants. Bring back more paid apprenticeships, in-house training, and stop stigmatizing anything but white-collar employment in an office or high-prestige fields, such as medicine and law. I’d also like to see companies required to list specific degree requirements, rather than simply having an exclusionary requirement for a degree, any degree, in their job postings. If a job requires advanced mathematics, sure, require a BS in Maths, or science fields that have a heavy emphasis on the same. If the degree requirement can be met with a BS in Zoology, a BA in Criminal Justice, or an “Oh, shit, this guy knows this ancient software our business relies on!” without any degree, I think it should be eliminated as a requirement. And that’s not a hypothetical situation, but reflects my coworker, my boss and myself respectively, in my previous job at a pharmaceutical plant.

    Pipe dreams, I know, but we should hardly be surprised that students are not as engaged when society has fundamentally altered the meaning of obtaining a degree at the university level, obliging many who otherwise had little interest, if any, to sign up for tertiary education as a bare minimum to possibly live somewhat comfortable lives.

      1 day ago

      I actually strongly disagree. Many younger people are moving directly into trades, apprenticeship or full time employment because, quite simply, they can’t afford tertiary education. Many universities are struggling to get student numbers up.

      Yes, you used to be able to walk into a role that took anyone who could turn up and learn, but technological and economic demands mean that its no longer viable. You also used to be able to work full time retail as a sole provider, buy a house and raise a family but those days are long gone.

      Welcome to late stage capitalism, globalization, game theory and pure human behavior.

        1 day ago

        Yes, you used to be able to walk into a role that took anyone who could turn up and learn, but technological and economic demands mean that its no longer viable.

        Economic demands, sure, but I would argue that is more a result of policy than anything insurmountable. Technologically, not at all. I’m guessing you’re in NZ, based on your username, and I won’t pretend to be able to speak for conditions there, but I would say a great many of the jobs in the US demanding a degree do not actually require them. I’m not saying that we should completely eliminate degree requirements, but companies should be expected to pay the costs of training. There are so many jobs out there that require little more than basic computer skills, learning to use whatever specialty software they make use of, and the workflows of the particular job site. A university education is overkill to teach basic computer literacy, and the other two often wind up things that you will only learn upon beginning the job. For many others, an associate’s or some form of professional certification is probably enough to really get you up to speed on the essential knowledge to work in many industries.

        Proper apprenticeships are not terribly common here, and along with trades as career paths, have suffered from decades of anti-union agitation. Outside of areas with strong unions, trades can be shockingly poorly paid. I see more people just not going to university because they don’t see much point to it, as degree inflation essentially means they need to get a Masters or PhD to even stand out now, and they don’t see themselves doing that. If I wind up working with the same people who got degrees in the fields I have any interest or proficiency in, what’s the point of taking on that debt and doing all that work, only to find myself in the same situation I’m in without a degree?

        Meanwhile, universities here will implement austerity measures that result in even more tenuous employment and abysmal pay for professors, yet they seem to have no end of money for ballooning administrative costs, sports teams/facilities and insanely overpaid executives. They always have money for everything except education and research, and reveal their priorities in how they spend their money and where they cut back. Making job training and profit the focus of higher education has simply undermined the institution as a whole, here.