I want to selfhost my own personal website. This is just for fun, as a hobby and to show off my skills to others. nothing big.
I have my own server home but I want to have something that’s separate from my personal stuff.
I do not need any support, meaning it can be as cheap as possible. I do not yet know how much RAM or CPU or storage I need. I guess CPU > 2GHz and 2GB RAM should be enough to start.
daily/weekly backup with rsync in case the hoster goes out of business.
I do not need a domain, I will use a dynamic dns hoster.
Can you explain how to do it?
I’ve registered recently but cant spin up a vm because its full on my region.
What caveat should i aware of when using this service?
And what instance do you choose?
Thanks :D
My server is in Europe somewhere, I run Ubuntu server. Caveats… Doesn’t run on a gigiabit connection, but that is honestly not necessary. Once I got notification, that free instances are stopped when not in use for some time. After that they stopped it, I started it again and after that it just runs all the time.