Seriously, though. In my opinion, V is by far the worst TOS film, if not the worst of any Star Trek film (Yes, including Kelvin), yet it somehow nailed the ending.

Not to say I hated V that much. I think there’s some charm of Kirk, Spock, and Bones breaking out the brig, but the plot is catastrophically bad. I was also annoyed with that one scene with Uhura where they have her seduce some acolytes, which I feel is a disgrace to the character.

    12 hours ago

    Enterprise doesn’t deserve to be in that list. It may not have been everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s way closer to the other series than Discovery or Picard.

    Also, uh, sibling sex and pro-slavery comments? I must have missed those episodes.

      5 hours ago

      Enterprise is the one with the pro slavery comments. And pro human trafficking too. And the weird sibling sex.

      Cogenitor episode, the moral of the story is “slavery can be a cultural thing and it’s wrong to oppose another culture for that”

      And then the horrible episode with orion slaves that says that these sex slaves are not only enjoying it, but are the evil ones, with even the slaver saying that they are the ones in control.

      For the sibling sex it’s this creepy episode about eugenics and a relative of Soong (if I remember properly) where a bunch of kids who were raised together start fucking and fighting to decide who fucks who. Yeah, they are genetically not related, but in the end I don’t want to see sex scenes of teen siblings, sorry.