Hello new favorite community! I have a question about what to do when you’ve finished a project. There are so few completed projects in my house I’ve never really looked up what to do when you finish one. I’m self taught via YouTube and books. After casting off is there something you have to do to make something like a shawl look nice? The patterns don’t say. Things always have a crumpled up look after I’m done.

  • catsdoingcatstuff
    1 year ago

    Chiming in with another vote for blocking. Be sure to use no-rust pins or wires, or they will leave ugly, permanent spots. I learned the hard way…

    I would wet block natural fibers. I would also lightly block acrylic. You might not get as dramatic of an effect when blocking acrylic, but it still makes the shawl look more finished and even. Pin damp acrylic to shape and lightly steam without touching. Be careful not to melt or “kill” the acrylic by steaming it too aggressively.

    You’ll need to reblock your shawl if you wash it, or if the block slowly relaxes over time.

    What pattern did you make? The process is pretty magical! It will turn from yarn spaghetti into a really nice finished object.