This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/sbcgaming by /u/Inedible-denim on 2024-07-03 16:42:26+00:00.

I’ve seen enough posts with people buying an item but receiving something like a light bulb instead, and want to give a PSA for everyone here. I hope you take the time to read it. This (or a version of it) should be stickied, mods.

Everyone should always check:

  • Number of reviews
  • Number of purchases
  • Rating score (this can be very telling)
  • Content of reviews (if review description or pictures isn’t for what you’re buying, don’t buy it!)
  • Price (too good to be true probably IS too good to be true in most cases, unless there is a legit sale going on)
  • Storefront/shop age and their other products as well as their reviews and number of purchases

This applies to ANY app, not just AliExpress (E.g. Amazon, Ebay, Temu…)